Kuinka hyvin tunnet ihmisten muutosta?

Test how well you know the change in people

We live in a human-centric era and many interesting changes are now taking place at the people level. But do we know people and their lives well enough? Which way have people and their lives already changed? Do you believe in change towards responsibility or selfishness?

Put your knowledge to test with this easy 8-question quiz. You get to see our answers to the same questions after submitting your answers.

HECTIC LIFE: Compared to the 1980s, people now have

PLAY IT SAFE: Compared to other countries Finns are

DULL EVERYDAY LIFE: Everyday life is for the vast majority of Finns

NON-SOCIAL FINNS: Finns are in contact with their friends in the age of social media

BIGGEST TRANSFORMATION: We have witnessed one of the greatest cultural changes in history in the last decade. This change is 

EFFECTS OF COVID-19: During the covid-19 crisis people have made the strongest turn towards

OPTIMISM: How many Finns believe that the world is developing for the better? (asked in 2015)

STRONG BELIEF IN THE FUTURE: What unites the people most hopeful about the future of the world is that  

Socio-culture & Strategy

Sosiokulttuurinen strategia- ja näkemystoimisto Valo Future on erikoistunut kunnianhimoisen ihmis- ja tulevaisuuslähtöisen menestyksen tukemiseen.

Strategia, ihmis-& tulevaisuuslähtöisyys Tiitta Vaulos, +358 50 5727859

Strategia, brändi, osallistaminen
Kirsi Saloranta, +358 40 512 3286
