Planning session or a kick-off planned? I will give you five tips for a successful kick-off. They base on my own experiences as an organizer and a participant in numerous planning sessions.
What tip would you share?
Five tips for a good kick-off
1. Think carefully how you start
Break the tension and create a relaxed collaborative atmosphere at the beginning. Crystallize the purpose of the kick-off, describe together what success looks like and what has been done at the end of the day.
2. Make it actionable
Make the kick-off fun and insightful but also actionable and business-oriented. Forget the last-minute quick tunes for trivial group work. Get the most out of the day, with a good kick-off you’ll recharge the energies of your entire team
3. Involve and cocreate
Avoid long monologues and PowerPoint presentations. Utilize ready-made gaming tools, materials for inspiration, and methods to get people talking and getting inspired together.
4. Crystallize at the end
Take care of prioritization: which 3-5 actions are the most important next steps. Take advantage of polls, grids etc. Crystallize the common goal and the following steps at the end - and return to these immediately after the kick-off.
5. Remember the feelings
The strongest memory for participants is left based on the emotional experience. Think of ways you can charm and get a smile on everyone’s face during the day. A good feeling sticks - so bring a lot of good energy and atmosphere with you!
Need professional help with kick-offs? Read more valmiisiin ohjelmiimme, tai kehitetään yhdessä juuri teille sopiva sisältö!

Tuija Wikström
Customer Success Lead, CX Specialist
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Inspirational program for your kick-off
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